An oily skin texture and frequent acne flareups are often the results of enlarged pores. Having large pores is a common issue, but it’s not one that anyone must deal with alone. You can spend time and money on creams to cleanse your skin – or you can reduce your pore size and get the clear complexion you deserve fast here at Le Parlour. We offer laser and radiofrequency (RF) solutions to give you gorgeous results without stress or hassle.

What Causes Enlarged Pores?
The human body is covered in tiny vellus hairs that are attached to sebaceous glands. These glands produce the natural oil your body needs to keep your skin hydrated and healthy.
Pores typically retain their normal size despite the production of this oil, but certain issues can cause pores to become dilated. Aging, sun damage, too many hair follicles, and excessive sebum (oil) production can all lead to enlarged pores.
How Are These Issues Addressed?
At Le Parlour, we’re staffed by the best to give you the best. Our esthetician and laser technician, Maya, has over 18 years of experience providing personal care for various skin issues. She relies on laser technology, microneedling, and light therapy to reduce pore size, eliminate acne, and deliver beautiful results without downtime.
What Can I Expect?
Every client is different and has specific needs. So, we customize each treatment course and package to meet your needs on your terms. Along with addressing enlarged pores, many of our treatments offer added benefits. For instance, laser facials also correct pigmentation and reduce the appearance of acne scars, age spots, and wrinkles.
Find Treatments with Le Parlour
Reduce pore size and enhance your beauty here at Le Parlour. Our Flatiron office delivers the best laser treatments in New York City. Get started and experience them firsthand by making an appointment today. You can reach us by filling out the form below or calling (347) 387-7195.