It’s a process that we all go through – collagen loss. But just because it’s natural doesn’t mean it’s acceptable. Lost collagen can be reversed and prevented through collagen stimulation. At Le Parlour, we offer laser, RF treatments, and LED Light Therapy to help you address this issue and maintain the beauty of your skin. Book today.

What Causes Collagen Loss?
Collagen loss happens over time. The rate of collagen production declines as we age and doesn’t improve without intervention. Other factors can speed up the decline of collagen and make us age prematurely. These factors include:
- Smoking
- Sun Bathing
- Stress
- A Poor Diet
How Is This Issue Addressed?
Many people take collagen supplements to reduce collagen loss and maintain their skin. However, the ingestion of outside chemicals is not for everyone, nor is it scientifically proven to be effective. The treatment options we offer here at our NYC spa are FDA-approved and designed to improve your skin and help you maintain it for the long haul.
What Can I Expect?
Increasing collagen production can yield beautiful results. More collagen means tighter skin, a reduction in pockmarks, fewer wrinkles & fine lines, and an overall youthful appearance. Our treatments are designed to provide these results without the need for surgery. The toll on your body is minimal – most of our options don’t even require downtime! Get in touch to find the best option for you today.
Find Treatments with Le Parlour
Have you noticed the appearance of wrinkles, sagging skin, and acne scars? Collagen loss may be the culprit. We provide personalized care solutions geared toward making you look and feel younger. What do you have to lose? Get started today by filling out the form below or giving us a call at (347) 387-7195.